Stranger Things 4
When you have a highly successful and anticipated show, every new season brings a huge need for creative marketing content. When that show also has a large cast of characters, each in demand by their fan bases, producing this content in an efficient manner can be challenging. To solve this for Stranger Things 4, we joined with Netflix to shoot creative assets over one tremendous weekend. To say this was ambitious was an understatement. Our production team took over multiple connected stages in Hollywood and built a “Stranger Things media campus.” We integrated with the various Netflix departments to develop a strategy to manage the production teams, talent schedules, and diverse deliverable needs. The scale of this production was significant – three stages, six production teams, fifteen talent, and over two hundred people. But our team integrated seamlessly with Netflix to demonstrate that a collective effort can achieve the miraculous. The final product of hours’ worth of AV content pleased everyone on all sides, proving that hard work pays off in spades.

The shoot encompassed 3 large stages, 15 dressing rooms, 6 amenity rooms, 15 talent, 6 crew, and over 200+ total people. We delivered hours of AV content to a very happy client.
Client: Netflix
Production & Event Management: Evolution
Producer: Mark Shockley